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Invest in emotional experiences

Liz revolutionizes customer understanding and listening.
By deciphering the words and feelings expressed, Liz offers you a unique vision of the customer experience for increased loyalty.

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Analyse sémantique et catégorisation

Visualize what really matters to your customers

Your review feeds instantly categorized

Gather all your customer data and verbatims, and decipher them with finesse to identify the best insights, at a glance.


Focus your improvements on what makes the difference

Increase your retention rate by 25%

Thanks to the "emotional score", you can work on the right levers to reduce attrition and increase engagement at each stage of the customer journey.
Let yourself be guided and invent distinctive customer experiences.

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Ancre 1

Instill customer culture throughout your organization

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The emotional score : an indicator 3 times more effective than NPS

Thanks to visual indicators and notifications showing you important verbatims, keep your staff focused on the qualitative dimension of the customer experience, beyond NPS or satisfaction rates.

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Listening & collecting 

Direct feedback gathering, collecting feedback after an interaction, satisfaction survey, choose your gathering method

Ecoute et collecte : feedbacks clients, enquête de satisfaction, bornes magasin
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Semantic and emotional analysis 

covered topics, associated sentiment, comparison between points of sale, irritants to correct, weak signals to monitor, Liz automatically reveals your insights

Aide à la décision et pilotage opérationnel

Aide à la décision

Decision support

All your strategic issues at a glance, so you can pull the right levers at the right time!


minutes to know what really matters for your customers


emotions detected by our semantic algorithm


increased retention

12 years of expertise improving customer experience is a platform developed by Civiliz, a pioneering customer listening company, created in 2010 with the mission of collecting and analyzing the voice of the customer through innovative means.


E-reputation management, optimisation of customer journey and spreading customer culture​


Improvement and enhancement of visitor experience


satisfaction and quality management



Customer behavior prediction and Churn reduction



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Our customer's words

Référence Liz : Logo Banque des territoires

The deployment of Liz with 500 terminals allows us to operate the France Services program as best as possible, with results beyond our expectations. It is a high-performance tool that allows comments to be collected and analyzed in great depth and shows what matters to the user. [...] The report presented to the Comex amazed everyone and guided our value proposition for the future.

Emanuelle Borrelly

Head of Digital Inclusion and Public Services Division

Référence Liz : Grand Logo Adidas
Référence Liz : Grand Logo Weldom
Référence Liz : Grand Logo Banque des territoires.
Référence Liz : Logo ANCT
Référence Liz : Logo résidence Domitys
Référence Liz : Logo Citygo
Référence Liz : Logo cité des sciences
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Discover our resources 

All our articles dedicated to the voice of the customer, semantic and emotional analysis and customer experience optimization.

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